Recent donations by date, amount and country (personal details are not shown unless explicitly asked for).
The donations are not updated in real-time. Do not worry if you do not see them immediately.
Date | Amount | Payment method | Origin |
4/3/09 | € 25.00 | Via paypal Completed | Republic of France |
3/17/09 | € 120.00 | Via IBAN Transfer DONATION TO BEWELCOME FROM A HAPPY PERSON | Federal Republic of Germany |
2/28/09 | € 25.00 | Via paypal Completed | Kingdom of Spain |
2/5/09 | € 10.00 | Via paypal Completed | Republic of Austria |
1/23/09 | € 200.00 | Via paypal Completed | Kingdom of Spain |
1/18/09 | € 25.00 | Via paypal Completed | Canada |
1/8/09 | € 60.00 | Via IBAN Happy New Year to BeWelcome project ! | Kingdom of Belgium |
11/25/08 | € 10.00 | Via paypal Completed | Republic of France |
11/6/08 | € 8.00 | Via paypal Completed | Republic of France |
11/3/08 | € 15.00 | Via paypal Completed | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
10/11/08 | € 50.00 | Via paypal Completed | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
10/1/08 | € 25.00 | Via paypal Completed | |
9/30/08 | € 25.00 | Via paypal Completed | Republic of France |
9/29/08 | € 10.00 | Via paypal Completed | Switzerland |
9/28/08 | € 10.00 | Via paypal Completed | Kingdom of Spain |
9/8/08 | € 10.00 | Via paypal Completed | Mexico |
9/4/08 | € 25.00 | Via paypal Completed | Kingdom of Spain |
8/12/08 | € 25.00 | Via paypal Completed | Kingdom of the Netherlands |
8/2/08 | € 10.00 | Via paypal Completed | Federal Republic of Germany |
7/19/08 | € 50.00 | Via paypal Completed | Commonwealth of Australia |
7/15/08 | € 25.00 | Via paypal Completed | Canada |
7/14/08 | € 20.00 | Via paypal Completed keep on the good work and spirit :) | Federal Republic of Germany |
7/12/08 | € 10.00 | Via paypal Completed | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
7/8/08 | € 10.00 | Via paypal Completed | Switzerland |
7/7/08 | € 10.00 | via paypal | Republic of France |
7/4/08 | € 25.00 | via paypal completed | Federal Republic of Germany |
7/4/08 | € 25.00 | via paypal | Ireland |
6/6/08 | € 25.00 | Via paypal Completed | Republic of France |
6/3/08 | € 20.00 | via paypal | Republic of Finland |
6/3/08 | € 50.00 | Via paypal Completed | Kingdom of Spain |
6/2/08 | € 50.00 | Via paypal Completed | Italian Republic |
6/2/08 | € 25.00 | Via paypal Completed | United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland |
6/1/08 | € 25.00 | Via paypal Completed | Republic of France |
5/28/08 | € 50.00 | Direct BANK transfer | Kingdom of Spain |
5/27/08 | € 25.00 | Via paypal Completed | Kingdom of Spain |
5/27/08 | € 18.00 | Via paypal Completed | Kingdom of the Netherlands |
5/27/08 | € 10.00 | Via paypal Completed | Republic of Indonesia |
5/27/08 | € 25.00 | Via paypal Completed | Federal Republic of Germany |
5/27/08 | € 30.00 | Via paypal Completed | Kingdom of the Netherlands |
5/26/08 | € 10.00 | via paypal | Federal Republic of Germany |
5/26/08 | € 25.00 | via paypal | South Africa |
5/4/08 | € 25.00 | Via paypal | Kingdom of Denmark |
4/24/08 | € 20.00 | Donation via BANK TRANSFER | Switzerland |
4/14/08 | € 25.00 | Via paypal Completed | Federal Republic of Germany |
4/14/08 | € 25.00 | Via paypal Completed yeeeeeih!really worth it to support BW!:) | Federal Republic of Germany |
4/10/08 | € 30.00 | Via paypal | Federal Republic of Germany |
4/8/08 | € 20.00 | via paypal | Republic of Poland |
4/4/08 | € 10.00 | via paypal | Italian Republic |
3/10/08 | € 50.00 | Via paypal Completed Glad to be able to contribute | Kingdom of Belgium |
3/9/08 | € 25.00 | donation via paypal | Republic of France |