News letter - June 2009
Dear %s, 10-12 July, Grimbergen (Brussels): meet, socialise, discuss and party!
Frank (Thorgal67) and Claudia (claudiaab) invite you to the 3rd General Assembly of BeVolunteer, the association behind BeWelcome. Apart from administrative routines such as budgeting and the election of the association's board of directors participants are invited to discuss current issues concerning BeWelcome. Big brainstorming ahead! For more information or suggestions visit the forum.
The GA will be followed on Saturday July 11th by a big meeting in Brussels. We would like to bundle this meeting with a media event to spread the idea of Hospitality Exchange. Do you have any suggestions? Free Hugs, Flashmob, something more original... Let us know on our forum.
New website layout
Monday 15th of June, in the early morning, the redesign of BeWelcome went live. Now your website has a new, fresh, more consistent and usable interface. It was tested extensively but there might be some minor bugs still to iron out. If you find one, you can let our developers know about it by sending them a little message. Feel free to give your general impression on the forum.
New group feature
We are proud to announce the creation of our brand-new (and long-awaited-for) groups feature! This tool allows you to create your own group or you can join one of the many already existing ones. It is online now and waiting for you to check it out!
Pledge for BeWelcome
Michael (subaculture), one of our members, has pledged to donate at least €5 to BeWelcome, put up at least two BeWelcome posters in public areas, promote BeWelcome on at least one blog or forum and and invite one other person to join BeWelcome but only if 20 do the same by signing up on PledgeBank before June 30th. He hopes others members will make a commitment towards BeWelcome. The link is . Lend him a hand by pledging today!
We need you (Yes that's you)!
Volunteers and Donations needed! In order to keep our project alive and kicking, we need creative volunteers and a bit of cash to pay for our servers. If you have some spare time, why not join our translators, programmers, designers, and general helpers or spread the news about BeWelcome through your local clubs, university or favourite online community. Just contact us through the feedback form.
And if you don't have time but still want to contribute, you can donate whatever you can. BeWelcome is very low-cost, as all the volunteers work... well, voluntarily, but servers are not for free. Our current server expenses are 2,160€ (2,995US $)a year. Help us pay the bill with your donation!
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