BeWelcome Spring 2010 news
Dear %s,
BeWelcome & Servas
The feedback and response to my "BeWelcome needs your help" has been overwhelming and heart-warming. Not only did we easily meet our donations for that quarter, we also received a ton of ideas on how to ensure the long-term success of BeWelcome. One of the most frequently heard responses was to reach out to other organisations, specifically Servas International (one of the oldest hospitality exchange organisations in the world). We have done just that and are proud to announce that we have been in some amazing conversations and preparations towards a serious collaboration. However, this is also a very complex project, on a cultural and on an organisational level, so it needs time to do it right. Currently we are working with a small team towards a pilot project where we will hopefully be able to test some of the collaboration ideas. I am looking forward to feedback (and help) for this from all of you and expect that we will be making some interesting decisions during the next General Assembly.
   * Thomas Goorden on behalf of the Board of Directors
Get Active
BeWelcome is always looking for active, upbeat people who are ready to share their time and skills. Are you a master of social networking? Are you a world famous translator (or on your way to be one)? Can you speak in (programming) code? Or are you a fantastic organiser? BeWelcome needs your skills. Get involved, help to build something great, learn new skills and meet fantastic people. Read more about volunteering possibilities. .
BeWelcome to be Featured in a Book
One of our members - duesseldorf - is currently writing a guidebook through all the hospitality exchange networks. BeWelcome gets some big chapters in it - as well as Couchsurfing, Servas, the bicyclist networks like Dachgeber and WarmShowers etc... Yes indeed - there are many specialist networks you have never heard of before.
The book is in German and will be an extended and updated version of Voyager presque gratuit. . It was published in French by the Solilang éditions and initially dedicated to Bob Luitweiller the founder of Servas.
New Profile Layout
Have you already seen the shiny new profile layout? matthias did a fantastic job in making the profile page clearer and more user-friendly. Your profile summary AND the help you can provide to travellers are now taking uppermost position. And the framed fields make it easier to find the information you are looking for. And anyway, don't let me bore you any more, just log in and have a look yourself! And while you're at it, add a photo or update your summary. A good profile makes for good guests!
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