BeWelcome News

The new Board of Directors met for the first time on the 13th of August. It was largly an organizational meeting and decisions were taken regarding the focus of this year's BoD.

From now on meetings will take place on every last Thursday of the month.

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Work on the next BeWelcome Newsletter has already started. Have a look at the wiki and help writing it. This is your chance to have a voice in the community!

If you have any troubles using the wiki, have a look at wiki frontpage for tips or contact us through feedback.

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Follow us on Twitter to support the community and meet other members! BeWelcome is about to enter the world of social networking. To get ourselves more visible and spread the word even more effectively, we created Twitter account. We will use it to keep you up to date, publish BeWelcome news and traveling tips.  

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Ready for meeting in real life and getting to know many of the active members and volunteers? Come to the meeting in Grimbergen and Brussels, 11-12 July! Big media event planned (flashmob dance) - fun guaranteed! Check here for details!

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Upcoming GA

15 years ago

It's that time of year again: when the highly motivated get ready for the pilgrim journey. Yup, the GA is fast approaching and the interested will gather in Grimbergen on the 11th and the 12th of July to vote for board members and discuss the future of BeWelcome and BeVolunteer.

This, the 3rd GA, is my second time - missed it last year, unfortunately. I find it quite enjoyable, a nice excercise of democracy and team work. To me it's about affirming the basic values of BW: the openness, the…

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You love the project but haven't got time or resources to seriously contribute? User Michael came up with a great idea to get the word spread without a lot of effort. Curious? Join this initiative and make your pledge today!

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Took some time, but finally the new design is online. Personally I haven't worked that much on it (my main contribution has been helping in moving it live) - the credit mainly goes to Lupochen and Globetrotter_tt. Other people who had a part: Crumbking (testing), Lemon-Head (testing and general input) and Philipp (also testing and input).

Shiny as it is it does come with bugs though - so we'd be mighty grateful if anyone with a bit of time would check out the site and let us know what bugs there…

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from now on everybody can post news of general interest to the personal startpage by:

 * creating a new blog post
 * tagging it with "Community news for the frontpage"

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