Frequently asked questions
Using BeWelcome (more than hosting)
- Does BeWelcome organise Events?
BeWelcome members can organise events and activities through BeWelcome, either as individuals or as a local group. The 'Activities' function can be accessed from the 'Community' button at the top of the page. Under 'Activities' you will find a record of your events/activities and a link to create new activities. Once created, activities will appear on the 'landing page' of local members, as well as being searchable.
Local events and activities can also be advertised by posting in the appropriate local BW groups, where these exist.
- Does BeWelcome have local groups, or interest groups?
BeWelcome has a variety of online groups. Some of these are based on a particular location – a town, a region, or a country. Others are based on interests or demographics – for instance, there are groups for families, for language exchange, and for photography.
To find out whether there is a group for the location, activity, or demographic that you are interested in, use the search facility on the ‘Groups’ page (Community > Groups). In case you don't find anything, think of searching with a keyword either in English or in the local language (if applicable) because group names are not translated.
- Can I set up a new BeWelcome group?
To apply to set up a new group, use the 'Create new group' button next to the group search. Before making an application, you should check, using the groups search, whether a similar group already exists. You should also read the Rules for Groups. If your application is approved, you will automatically become the group admin, meaning the contact person for members interested in this group or for BW moderators.
BeWelcome groups are moderated and any new application has to be approved by the BW Forum Moderators, who may need to contact you about your application. The mods try to process applications quickly but, like other parts of BeWelcome, they are dependent on volunteers.
- What is the BeWelcome Discussion Forum?
The BeWelcome Forum, or 'main' forum, can be accessed from the landing page or the 'Discussions' link in the 'Community' menu. It is open to posts from all members, without having to join a specific group. The rules for posting (Forum Rules: are the same for both the groups and the Forum. Generally, the moderators try to keep the forum threads to matters relating to BeWelcome or hospitality exchange generally and to discussions of general interest. More specific issues (local issues, politics, specific interests etc.) may be moved to more appropriate BW groups. Hosting requests are not allowed on the 'main' forum, as it could quickly become overwhelmed by them. Hosting requests should be made directly to potential hosts and/or posted in appropriate local groups.