This website wouldn’t be possible without the help of others.
- Geonames
- We use the data from to help you find your way around the world.
- Open Street Map
- Without OpenStreetMap and its contributors our website would be pretty dull. We rely on the database for locations and tiles for the maps.
- Jetbrains gave us a few OpenSource licenses for PHPStorm which makes developing with PHP and symfony a joy.
- We use Browserstack for testing on as many browsers as we possibly can.
- The PHP framework that makes sure the website is blazingly fast and secure.
- CKEditor 5
- The wysywig editor that we can customize to our needs; and which runs smoothly on mobile as well.
- HTML Purifier to ensure everyone stays safe when using the site.
- An open source videoconferencing platform, letting volunteers from every part of the world meet each other.
- Framasoft
- A set of opensource tools (framapad, framadate, etc) for online collaboration, helping our volunteers work together!