BeWelcome News

An interview with a new BeWelcome member. 


1) What does hospitality exchange mean to you? 

Overall, I favour barter/exchange instead of using money. It is in this spirit, I find hospitality exchange really  interesting.  While hospitality has different forms and meaning for everyone, I am always very happy to discover what my education "made in Switzerland" has instilled in me, and motivates me to discover other forms of hospitality.


2) When did you start hosting people, and how has if affected

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BeWelcome has met the 2022–2023 donation target.

Thank you! 

Founded in 2007, is backed by members only and run by volunteers. There is no CEO, no tycoon, no venture capitalists, no spyware, google tracking, paywalls, verification fees, hedge funds, offices, paid staff, shareholders and no conglomerate behind us. We are 100 per cent non-profit, independent and governed by members.

Our finances are open and transparent. Our accounts are published once a year to be checked and agreed on…

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A peer to peer platform, like BeWelcome is largely based on its scale and network effect, and for some, the best hospitality exchange must be the biggest one. However, we believe an accurate database of active members is the better platform

Last week, a clean-up of inactive accounts was carried out (suspending those who didn't log in after 5 reminders). 18632 accounts were suspended. Members need a platform of active members with an active email address. That is why accounts…

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The annual General Assembly took place 21./22. November online and a new Board of Directors (BoD) has been elected .

Again it is a very international one - 3 members from 2 continents.

The new President is Gabriel from Grenoble / France:

The new Secretary is Peter from Auckland / New Zealand:

Our treasurer is Frank  from Grimbergen / Belgium again:
This is veeery good as…

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Dear BeWelcome members,

once again we reached November and we are planning the final steps of preparing our yearly General Assembly (GA) weekend (20/21 of November) of BeVolunteer - the organization who runs BeWelcome.

Traditionally we come together Friday night and get to know each other and welcome new faces. Second time in a row we only can meet online. But this is a great opportunity for you to grab your favorite drink or snack and join our online hangout with fellow BeWelcome volunteers and…

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Hi everybody,

Roughly 3 months have passed since the last release, so time for an update.

  • The most obvious change will only become visible when the next newsletter is sent: You can now unsubscribe from the newsletter directly from your mail program and it might even contain an image in the future :)
  • At the same time the newsletter archive got an overhaul and looks cleaner now.
  • In all places where a location search is used it now returns the result list localized into the UI language if possible.

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It takes only four weeks to set up an international conference on Hospitality Exchange (HospEx)! This achievement is impressive.
For the first time in history several of the bigger hospitality exchange networks come together in a virtual conference this saturday: 

May 8th 2021, starting at 17.30 CEST /  8 PDT

The program will be published soon here:

The highly interesting discussions will range from topics like: "Paywalls - blessing or curse?" and "Would it make sense to

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BeWelcome received a donation of 5000 Euro - the highest donation so far! 

The anonymous donor is a long time BeWelcome member and in the past he also was a very valuable volunteer.

The Board of Directors wants to thank the donor for this generous donation!



BV Executive

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Dear Members,

Just to share with you this great news - BeWelcome page is now (since the recent release 2 weeks ago) available in a new language - Galego (Galician). Are you from Galicia, Spain - or maybe speak/ are interested in this language for different purposes? Go ahead and pick it from the language drop down at the bottom of the BW page.

Very special thanks should go to Jorganes - translation volunteer, who made the translation very quickly!!!

Do you see your language missing, or maybe not…

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We, the volunteers of BeWelcome, hope you are well and staying safe. 

Here comes a long list of smaller or bigger improvements to our platform since our last update in January 2021. 

Find Members (locations): 

  • Searching for gender other now works as expected (but unfortunately only for the first page; just set the number of shown items to 100 in the search options if that isn't enough for you)


  • Cancelled activities no longer show up in the widget on the landing page.
  • You can report…

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