BeWelcome News

新年快乐   恭喜发财

Bonne année et bonne santé à tous

Feliz año nuevo

Frohes Neues Jahr und einen guten Rutsch

Ik wens je een gelukkig nieuwjaar

Szczęśliwego Nowego Roku

Hae a guid new year   Lang may yer lum reek

Καλή χρονιά

Bon Any Nou

Feliz ano novo

If your language is missing, feel free to add it in the comments.

Johannes - wind
Board of Directors Executive

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Did you know that there is a quite nice and active Telegram group open for all members of BeWelcome?

There is only one condition to join: Anyone is asked to provide a link to his / her BeWelcome profile. 

This chat group has been opened by InspectorBrain some weeks ago - and is has already more than 35 members. But please note: It is not an official communication channel of BeWelcome but a place to talk about traveling, hosting, the lack of it during Covid…

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Dear BeWelcome members,

BeVolunteer - the registered non-profit association behind BeWelcome - has elected the official Board of Directors (BoD).

Executive: Johannes - wind
Vice Executive and Team Coordinator: Manuel - crumbking
Secretary: Krystyna - corazondeviaje
Treasurer: Frank - thorgal67
Vice Treasurer and Project Manager: Stefan - daydreamer1969


Thank you to our amazing community!

We want to thank our BeWelcome community for their invaluable contributions – BeWelcome would not exist without…

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A small group of 7 BeWelcomers from different French cities gathered at the last weekend of September in Montpellier/Southern France to celebrate the mussels. "Seek the Mussel" was one of the last good things before the second Corona lockdown hit Europe: canoeing, eating mussels  and looking for them during long walks. "The program was a bit improvised due to the pandemic situation - but it was worth it", say the organizers ffred and Iris_will_never_surrender. "We've really spent good times…

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Dear BeWelcome members,

since June 2020 we haven't updated our website with the recent improvements and hunted bugs.

Please bear with us as the following list sounds quite technical but these are the changes:

  • Easier location search and better results, even for regions and entire countries
  • Introduction of new search options like „has profile picture“
  • Arriving straight on your own groups instead of the complete list of all groups
  • Progressive Web App to enjoy BeWelcome on your home screen
  • Filter online…

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Montpellier (Southern France) invites you to "Seek the Mussel"! Join in for a weekend full of fun and meeting other BeWelcomers - from friday September 25th to Sunday 27th, 2020.

ffred and Iris_will_never_surrender have done a great job to get together such a variety of activities:
From "BeerWelcome" to kayaking, hiking, music, a bit of sightseeing inbetween - and picnics on the beach of the Mediterranean Sea where you have plenty of chances to find your Mussle :)

Join the activity here:

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BeWelcome has always had a video channel - which has now been reactivated. Have a look:

Do you like to make short videos? 
We would be more than happy to share them!

You are not into video making? Stills are also wonderful! Take a picture and have it put on our Facebook page :)

The BeWelcome Media Team offers to publish videos and pictures on our official channels.
If you want to add your pic or video please get in touch with me (duesseldorf) or subaculture.

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Because of COVID-19, its hard to think about travel and meeting travelers or locals at the moment. There is a time you will. Hospitality exchange will continue to be a beacon of hope and trust in futures unknown, and in the possibility of a better, more equitable world after the pandemic.

A story from from Barbora, Czech Republic 

"So about a month after CS has set the paywall and blocked the access to my account, I have opened a new account on BeWelcome and already hosted two events in my city to…

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Members from Brazil and the US are the first ones hosting the BeWelcome Café!
As it is still not possible to meet up in real life get the feeling of being a real community online.

Check here for days and times:


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It is my pleasure to announce that two weeks ago we reached our yearly donation goal of 1,300 euro, and have been receiving further donations since then. Our current total stands at approximately 2,650 euro.

I would like to thank everybody who donated money, time, resources and ideas. Because of the support of our volunteers and members, we are ready to overcome the difficulties in these strange times, and keep on growing

BV Treasurer

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